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5/10/2010 3:19 PM
Lockerz invite, get yours today and get free prizes!.txt
9 KB
3/20/2010 10:13 PM
Participation in road cycling vs running is associated with lower.pdf
140 KB
4/14/2010 7:16 PM
Treating non-specific chronic low back pain through the Pilates Method.pdf
146 KB
4/14/2010 7:16 PM
Muscle mass gain observed in patients with short bowel syndrome.pdf
258 KB
4/14/2010 7:16 PM
Muscular activity during uphill cycling.pdf
385 KB
4/14/2010 7:16 PM
Prior heavy exercise increases oxygen cost during moderate.pdf
402 KB
4/14/2010 7:30 PM
Kinematic, kinetic and EMG patterns during downward squatting.pdf
592 KB
4/14/2010 7:30 PM
A maximal isokinetic pedalling exercise for EMG.pdf
667 KB
4/14/2010 7:30 PM
Bipedal walking and running with spring-like biarticular muscles.pdf
1,182 KB
4/14/2010 7:24 PM
Toshio Moritani, Tetsuya Kimura, Taku Hamada, Narumi Nagai - Electrophysiology and kinesiology for health and disease.pdf
1,889 KB
4/14/2010 7:08 PM